Sweet Maple Labradoodle’s Megzy WALA – 00008522

Megzy is calm and sweet. She is about 45 lbs. She loves to obey and just chill on the couch while we watch a movie. She has a silky soft fleece coat and carries for caramels and reds. Her puppies will be a beautiful, sweet, and calm bunch!

Sweet Maple’s Willow WALA– 00008645

Willow is trained as a therapy dog! She is very sweet and compassionate. Her puppies are really well cared for! She loves running just like her sister, Sookie!
Sweet Maple’s Adelaide “Addie” WALA – 00008484
(Red and White Parti 18lbs)
Adelaide is the perfect dog! She is a mini at 18lbs. She is sweet, affectionate, smart and calm! These puppies are going to be amazing! If you are interested in a mini email me and get on her list. Addie carries the rufus gene which makes the puppies darker as they get older.

Sweet Maple’s Ruby Rose (Rosie) WALA – 00023041
Rosie carries for Parti! They have been so much FUN!

Sweet Maple’s Pull-Up-a Chair Sydney WALA00024111

Sydney is a large mini. We will be breeding her with Bear in the fall. We are expecting 20-25 lb puppies.
Sweet Maple’s Wishes Come True (Opal) WALA00024094

Opal is a medium red. We are expecting to breed her in the fall. We are expecting large mini’s and small mediums 25-30lbs from her breeding.
Sweet Maple’s Miss Lyra WALA00023072

Thank you rachelamyphotography for the pictures!
Sweet Maple’s Life with Roxie WALA00024119

Our Future Gals

Thank you rachelamyphotography for the pictures!

Thank you rachelamyphotography for the pictures!
Pinelodge Labradoodle’s Nani Girl WALA – 00007613 (RETIRED)
Nani (40 lbs. Caramel) is sweet and cuddly…her puppies are amazing! She is fun loving and happy! She has a perfect personality! In her 2015 litter, 5 of the 6 puppies went to be service dogs. That says a lot about these puppies–very easy to train and a great disposition! We are super proud of our service dogs throughout the USA.

Sweet Maple’s Sookie WALA – 00008666 (RETIRED)
Sookie is a character. She loves to cuddle, but also loves to go on long runs with her guardian family. She loves playing with other dogs, and she is very social! Her puppies are the best ever!

Sweet Maple’s Sugar N’ Spice – Retired